Exposed- Episode Six Read online


  Cobra: The Vigilante Series



  Nicholas Bella

  First Edition

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Nicholas Bella

  Edited by Heidi Ryan

  Published by Dark Desires Publishing LLC

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person as a gift. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please contact the author: [email protected]

  Cobra: The Vigilante Series

  Episodes in Order








  (Coming Soon)

  Special Note:

  This book is part of an ongoing serial. In order to get the full experience of the story and characters, I would suggest you read the books in order, starting with episode/book one (Origin). Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on anything! You can find out the order of Cobra: The Vigilante Series on my website:

  Warning: Scenes depicted in this series and in this book in particular may be too graphic for sensitive readers. All characters featured in sexual situations in this novel are adults, 18 or older. Reader discretion is strongly advised. This series is highly erotic, violent, dark, and twisted. Prepare yourself.


  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Jordan growled at me as discreetly as he could while dragging me off by my arm toward the farthest corner in the room from my captive. I had chained Mr. Tate to a nice steel chair I knew he wouldn’t be escaping from anytime soon. I understood Jordan’s apprehension. It was our private hideout, after all, and I’d never brought anyone there before. But desperate times called for desperate measures like a motherfucker. I was so close to shutting this shit down and I knew it wouldn’t happen unless I continued to take risks. This was just one of them.

  “J, I know this is drastic,” I said.

  “Fuck drastic, this is insane. What are we even going to do with him? Why didn’t you just kill his ass?” Jordan asked while pointing at Richard Tate, who was blindfolded, gagged, and probably straining to listen to every word we said.

  “If killing him could get me to the next step, then I would have. But he knows people, J, the bigger fish in this pond, and I’m taking off my floaties,” I explained, then pulled him into the kitchen, which would most certainly put us out of hearing range of that eavesdropping asshole. “I’m going to kill his ass anyway. I just need him to think that I won’t. I need him to believe that I need him alive in order to pull off the shit I’m plotting in my head, okay? I need you on board, because you’re my partner in all this.”

  Jordan huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like it, Eric.”

  “I know.”

  “It leaves us exposed.”

  “To a motherfucker I’m going to kill anyway.”

  “How long is he going to be here alive and breathing, then?”

  I frowned. “You know ‘alive’ also means he would be ‘breathing’?”

  Jordan punched me in the arm. “Don’t get smart with me. Answer my question.”

  I shrugged, because I really didn’t know. “Hopefully, less than a week if all goes according to plan.”

  “What’s this plan, then?” Jordan asked.

  “Well, I’m hoping he tells me everything I want to know, willingly. I want to know about the people behind the Killing Game, or at least the next big player. Then we set up a meeting, and I go as him with a bodyguard. Of course, what I’m going to be telling him is that I will find some suitable backup to help me as we both pretend to be his bodyguards. He’ll want two since I killed his last golden boy. So, once he believes I’m taking him with me, he’ll be more inclined to help if he thinks he’ll live through this. I told him, since he never paid for anyone innocent to be tortured, then this should go smoothly.”

  “And he believed that?” Jordan asked, shooting me the side-eye.

  I nodded. “People will believe what you want them to believe if they’re desperate enough. It’s called hope. Some people have their hope misplaced, and I’m hoping that Mr. Tate is hoping I keep my word.”

  “That’s a lot of hope going on there.”

  “In any case, that’s my plan. So, are you with me?”

  Jordan sighed again, this time even more heavily than before. He wiped a finger across his dark eyebrow, then looked up at me. “I’m always with you, baby. I just think this is going to be harder than you think it’s going to be.”

  I frowned. “Ugh! Well, it is now if you keep trying to jinx it.”

  Jordan gasped. “I’m not—you know what, just shut up. I hope you don’t expect me to watch his ass.”


  “Oh, sweet Jesus!” He threw his arms up in the air, then let them slap at his sides. “I hate you sometimes. What if he says he has to use the bathroom and when I let him loose to do that, he overpowers me? I mean, you’ve taught me some nice fighting skills, but I’m not you, Eric.”

  “You could let him hold it.”

  Jordan tilted his head sideways. “Now you’re just being stupidly stubborn. You know that’s not going to work. Besides, I’m not cleaning him up if he pisses or shits all over himself, and I know you don’t want to either.”

  “Okay, you’re right. We need someone we can trust in on this.”

  Jordan shrugged. “Who?”

  “Another hero?” I suggested. I was sure I didn’t look a hundred percent confident in my suggestion because Jordan raised both eyebrows.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked. “You don’t look like you want to work with anyone else.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “I don’t. I have my own way of doing things, but I know we can’t do this alone. It’s too big for just the two of us.”

  Jordan gave me a sad smile, then he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight. “I wish I could be more help to you.”

  I embraced him, but had to make sure not to squeeze too tightly for fear I’d crush him to death. I rested my head on his fro, which smelled amazing. I loved his shampoo, I loved everything about Jordan, and hated how he felt less than, right at that moment. I released him and pushed him back a little so I could look him directly in his beautiful, hazel eyes.

  “You are amazing, Jordan. I wouldn’t be who I am right now if it wasn’t for you. You opened my eyes and gave my life purpose again. I love you for that, J.”

  I saw a tear trickle down his cheek and I wiped it away with my thumb.

  “I just wish I could fight or had superpowers so you wouldn’t have to trust someone you didn’t `know,” he said.

  I smiled. “It’s probably time I learn to play nice with others. And besides, you do have a superpower. You’ve got that super computer-hacking brain. I can’t do what you can do at all. I freeze up looking at codes and shit. You’re a magician with computers, babe. If it weren’t for your skills on that computer, we wouldn’t even know about the Killing Game,” I stated.

  Jordan nodded and wiped another tear from his cheek. “Thank you. I just want to be there for you and help anyway I can.”<
br />
  “And you do.” I leaned forward and kissed his soft, full lips. Mmm, J’s lips, such gorgeous flesh.

  “I need to get back to my electronic darlings too. Let’s work this guy over and find out what he knows. Also, I’ll reach out to some of those superheroes for you. Anyone in particular you’re interested in?” It looked like my little pep talk worked, because J was back to himself again.

  “Anyone with loose morals would help,” I said.

  Jordan laughed. “That would be an army of one, then. You. Everyone else lives by a stricter code.”

  “Pussies,” I muttered.

  “Be nice,” Jordan commented. “Besides, pussies are powerful. One pushed your big-headed ass out.”

  I laughed at that. “Touché.”

  “How about I contact the Black Knight.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “Who?”

  Jordan rolled his eyes. “You really should get to know something about the other people out there fighting crimes. Like you, no one has seen what he looks like. Titanium Man, Crimson Fury, and Shadow hawk have all been seen out in the open. Even with their masks on, I don’t want to risk someone recognizing them and blowing your cover.”

  “I doubt that would happen, their masks are pretty concealing. But I just don’t want to work with them… they are too straight-laced,” I stated.

  “For my peace of mind, I’m just concerned that they’ve been too public. How many criminals have done facial recognition? I just don’t want to take the chance,” Jordan pointed out.

  “Makes sense. So, what’s up with this Black Knight motherfucker?”

  “Well, he leaves his victims alive, but they’re tied up for the police to find, with all the evidence they need to convict that person of their crime or crimes along with his calling card, which happens to be a black knight piece.”

  “That’s risking the criminal being able to beat the wrap with a decent and slimy enough lawyer. My way is best.”

  “I don’t disagree. I may not want any part of you killing these assholes out there, but I think they deserve it. I’m just glad you have the stomach for it,” J said. “So, do you want me to contact him?”

  “Arg, I hate having to let someone else know who I am, but I’d hate going in half cocked and having shit go wrong. So, let’s just do this shit. Sure… contact him and see what he says.”

  Jordon nodded. “All right, I’ll get right on it.”

  He walked over to his supercomputer and sat down to work his magic. That damned thing was intimidating as hell to me. Personally, I’d rather dismantle someone’s guts rather than try to figure out how to download a file off that thing. I went to the bathroom, because I had to piss something fierce. I’d been holding it for a while. When I was through, I walked back over to Mr. Tate and took the gag out of his mouth, but left the blindfold on.

  “Do you have to piss?” I asked him.

  “Yes, so kind of you to ask.”

  “Don’t get cute, you’re still on my shit list.”

  I got up to fetch the bucket out of the broom closet and returned back to him, placing the bucket between his legs.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he said once he felt the bucket against his legs.

  “I’m known for a lot of shit, but practical jokes ain’t one of them. You’re going to get used to pissing in this bucket for now.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’m not going to try to escape. Can I have some dignity and please use the toilet? I mean, give me a fucking break.”

  I grimaced. “You give me a fucking break. If you were out in the wild, you’d be just fine pissing on a tree.”

  Richard scoffed. “You’re unbelievable. I thought we were working together. How am I supposed to trust that you’re going to keep your word and let me live when you’re treating me like this?”

  I laughed. “You rich motherfuckers can’t handle any kind of turbulence in your lives, can you? I could let you sit there in that chair and piss all over yourself, but no, I’m giving you the opportunity to use a bucket. But that’s not good enough for your ass.”

  “No, it’s not. Like you said, I’m rich. I’ve been used to living a life of luxury,” he snapped back. “And while we’re having this conversation, how am I supposed to even use the bucket? Are you going to take my cock out and aim?”

  “I was.”

  “So, you’re fine handling another man’s cock?”

  “I’m also fine with sucking and fucking it. But not yours, so don’t get any ideas,” I said, then I reached over, unzipped his pants, and pulled his cock free. It was average sized, about six inches, and cut. Pretty shape, the crown had a nice mushroom curve to it. This cock on any other man would have made my mouth water. I’d want to suck and lick this thing until it exploded in a white gush, but I had no intentions of giving Richard—fucking—Tate one taste of my supreme cock-sucking abilities.

  “God, this is so fucking degrading,” Richard grumbled.

  “Better release that stream now, buddy. I’m not going to hold your cock all night.”

  “Ugh!” he snarled, and I felt his cock twitch just as the golden stream started to flow into the bucket.

  I had done it this way to make things a little easier on Jordan. If he was watching Richard and I was out, then at least the man would be used to using the bucket instead of having to go to the bathroom for every piss. Now, when it came to him needing to take a shit… then I would let him use the bathroom because I wasn’t going to be a part of that at all.

  “Two shakes, please,” Richard requested once he was finished.

  I obliged, shaking off the last drops of piss before shoving his dick not so gently back into his pants.

  “Hey, watch it!”

  “I’ve seen enough, thank you.” I picked up the bucket, took it to the bathroom, and dumped it. I then washed it out and placed it under the sink. I washed my hands thoroughly, then returned to my captive. “All right, Richard. We have both made a deal with each other. So far, I’ve held up my end because you’re still alive. It’s time for you to be a bit more forthcoming with the information.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll tell you only what you need to know. I’m going to make sure that I’m standing right there with you when we go to that meeting in Russia.”

  “Okay, so what can you tell me?” I asked, relenting a little. I wanted him to trust me.

  “Can you take off the bloody blindfold? For crying out loud, it’s disorientating,” he fussed.

  I rolled my eyes. “Jesus, princess, do you want some silk slippers for your dainty feet, too?”

  “If it’s not too much trouble,” he retorted.

  “Where are my manners? Let me make you feel more at home.” I punched him in the stomach and smiled as he coughed, groaned, and hacked. I put just enough force behind the blow to send him a message.

  “Whose home was that supposed to make me feel welcomed in?” he complained after he got himself together.


  “You don’t have guests often then, do you?”

  I laughed at that in spite of myself. “You’re funnier than I gave you credit for, Richard. I’m still not taking off the fucking blindfold. You can do standup all night, it ain’t happening.” I did take special note of how quick he was with the witty quips. I was sure a lot of that was chalked up to his arrogance. The thought that no one could touch him, so therefore, he could talk all the shit he wanted without repercussions.

  “Fine, it would just make me feel more comfortable if I could see my surroundings,” he pressed.

  “Well, be grateful I didn’t carve your fucking eyes out like you and your sick-ass boyfriend did to me,” I reminded him.

  “Fair enough.” He licked his lips. “I will call Zia and let her know that I had to lay low for the time being. That you had all of my personal information and it’s going to take me a day or two to get out there to her.”

  “What else will you tell her?”

  “That I had to hire an
other bodyguard to watch my back.”

  “Tell her you had to hire two,” I said, just in case this Black Knight person decided to give me aide.

  “Will there be two? If I only show up with you, that will make them suspicious. Is your partner coming?”

  “Don’t worry about him. It will be two bodyguards.” I was certain I would have support, even if Jordan did have to fill in for one of the roles. I was going to do my best to make sure that wasn’t the case, though. The last thing I wanted to do was put him in danger. Just having Richard in our home was bad enough. That was the reason I was willing to work with the Black Knight.

  “Fine. Give me my cell and I’ll call her,” Richard said.

  “Not tonight. Tonight, you’re laying low. You can contact her in the morning,” I said. I wanted to put enough time into the mix to make it believable that he was hiding out from me.

  “Very well. Am I to remain chained to this chair?” he asked.

  “Yep.” I got up and walked over to Jordan, who was becoming one with his system as his eyes were glued to the screens and his fingers were moving at blazing speeds across the keyboard. “Any progress getting information on Zia?”

  “There are at least fifteen hundred people in Russia with that name. I’d need a last name to narrow it down. Or at least a photo,” Jordan said without breaking away.

  “He claims he doesn’t have a last name, but I’ll ask about the photo.”

  “I doubt he’d have one, I certainly didn’t find any suspicious photos on his laptop or cell, but it won’t hurt to ask.”

  “What did you find on his laptop?”

  Jordan sighed and shook his head, which wasn’t a good sign. “The man knows how to cover his tracks. Nothing about the Killing Game was on there. All legit business. It was actually pretty depressing, if I’m honest.”

  “Tell me about it. You didn’t even find anything on his cell?”

  “All surface legit. He must use another phone for when he contacts this Zia person. Everyone in his cell was either a family member, friend, or business contact. Alexander’s number was there, Walter’s, and Cecily’s, but that can all be chalked up to business relations. He’s a rich and powerful man, it would make sense that he’d have their numbers as well.”