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Cobra: The Vigilante: Volume Two
Cobra: The Vigilante: Volume Two Read online
The Vigilante Series
Volume Two
Nicholas Bella
First Edition
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2020 by Nicholas Bella
Edited by Heidi Ryan
Photographed models by Wander Aguiar Photography
Published by Dark Desires Publishing LLC
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person as a gift. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please contact the author: [email protected]
Cobra: The Vigilante Series
Episodes in Order
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
(Coming Soon in Vol. 3)
Special Note:
This book is part of an ongoing serial. In order to get the full experience of the story and characters, I would suggest you read the books in order, starting with Volume One. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on anything! You can find out the order of Cobra: The Vigilante Series on my website: http://www.nicholasbella.com
Warning: Scenes depicted in this series and in this book in particular may be too graphic for sensitive readers. All characters featured in sexual situations in this novel are adults, 18 or older. Reader discretion is strongly advised. This series is highly erotic, violent, dark, and twisted. Prepare yourself.
“Where are you going?” Jordan asked me as he stood in the doorway, watching me get dressed in my “Avenge the Night” outfit—his nickname for my costume, not mine. Although, I kind of liked it.
“Just need to do a little observation,” I said as I zipped up my bulletproof vest.
“You’re going to spy on your cop boyfriend?”
I rolled my eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend. We fucked once and that’s that,” I said, although I wasn’t so sure if that was really that. Even now, my body was remembering how great it felt to have Mr. Silver Fox—excuse me, Detective Alexi Taylor—inside of me. Fuck, why did he have to be a damn cop? And if that wasn’t bad enough, he was going to be looking for me.
I tried to focus on that part of my interest in Alexi, but try as I might, my thoughts continued to drift back to how hot he looked on top of me, pumping away. How his muscles rippled under his tattooed flesh. God, that man was sex on two legs. My body quaked a little as I remembered how great his tongue felt licking my pucker. My asshole quivered when I thought about his cock and how amazing it felt rubbing my prostate.
The man literally gave me an experience I would never forget. He’d fucked the hell out of me for over an hour. Oh yeah, Alexi had wonderful stamina for a man his age. Hmmm, I didn’t really know his age, but he was old enough to have salt and pepper hair… heavy on the salt. That was why I called him a silver fox. But damn if he didn’t wear it well.
“You need to make sure you keep your distance from this guy, Eric,” Jordan warned. The sound of his voice brought me out of my deeply sexual thoughts.
I looked at him. “Don’t worry… I know how to separate business from pleasure.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like you’re planning on keeping your distance to me.”
Damn, J knew me so well. I walked out of the bedroom and snatched my car keys off the table. “Stop worrying.”
“I’m trying not to, but you’re not giving me a lot of confidence right now. I mean, you fucked this guy earlier and he obviously made you feel some kind of way.”
I stopped before I climbed inside my car and turned to face him. “Jesus, Jordan, you act like I’ve never fucked a complete stranger before. Alexi is just one of many men I’ve shot loads off with.”
“He’s the first one, I bet, that topped you. You trusted him on some level and that’s something you have never done with the others. Eric, you let him inside of you, and if you hadn’t found out he was a cop, I bet you wanted to see him again, didn’t you?” Jordan walked up to me, and he was watching me with those beautiful brown eyes that were full of compassion and concern.
I let my agitation melt away. He was just trying to look out for me, even though his line of questioning was aggravating me. I sighed and nodded. “He was different than the others, you’re right. But it’s best I keep him close, J. He’s going be investigating my vigilante crimes. I think it’s… what’s a word you’d use?” I paused to think of something I’d heard his brainiac ass say. I smiled mischievously when it came to me.
“I’m waiting,” Jordan taunted.
“Advantageous for me to keep him close so I can know what he’s doing,” I said, then winked.
“Smart-ass.” Jordan shrugged. “Fine… keep him close, but don’t get close. We don’t have time for cops in our lives.”
I turned and climbed inside my car before Jordan could think of anything more to say. I clicked the button and the large door opened. As soon as I had enough clearance, I hit the gas and zoomed out of there. I wanted to get to the crime scene of my first… I guess, victim, so I could watch Alexi in action. I wanted to see how he worked, who he trusted. Who knows, I might have to imitate one of these people and I needed to have my shit together when I did.
I arrived at the scene, which was a pretty popular place tonight with all of the media vans, cops, and onlookers. I decided to park a few blocks away in a residential area. With the distinctive classic car I drove, I didn’t want it sticking out on the side street in the old market district.
I found the perfect hiding place on top of a roof with the right angle to see the old warehouse where I’d slaughtered that monster, Walter Darring. I was sure the media was spinning a tale to make Walter seem like he was just an unfortunate victim.
I didn’t like using the word “victim” to describe the slimeballs I killed. The word “victim” implied innocence. The motherfuckers I was taking out weren’t innocent, every last one of them had or have it coming, but I knew the media would try to play it like they were. That was why I was going to make sure I gathered what I could get on them to expose these killers for who and what they really were.
I’d wanted Jordan to send the media a file with the information on it that exposed each one as I took them down… but he advised against it… for now. He didn’t want the others I was still looking for to up their security. As long as they thought they were untouchable, they would leave themselves vulnerable. Just seeing the dead bodies of their comrades should be enough. We didn’t want to show our hand by showing them what we knew. So, once Jordan had pointed that out to me, I couldn’t help but agree. I admit, I was impulsive, always have been. I joined the military on impulse, agreed to join a covert organization on impulse, and I tended to fuck who I wanted on impulse too.
I lived life in the moment, but I was learning how to slow down and plan, especially lately. Being imprudent these days could get me exposed. I figured that was why Jordan was so worried about me coming out tonight to spy, but I thought this was smart. I kept to the shadows and watched the officers maintain crowd control while others looked for clues.
I guess my sexy cop was still inside doing his investigation.
The media was having a field day, as expected. A prominent and wealthy businessman who had been reported missing after he had been kidnapped from his very home, one that was heavily guarded at the time, had now been found tortured to death in an abandoned building on the poor side of the city. They couldn’t have wished for a better story and headline than that… except, of course, if they knew the truth as to why he had been found that way and what Walter had done to end up at the end of my wrath.
The coroner was bringing out his body and loading it into the van. I guess it would be too late for me to call in for that reward money. I chuckled to myself at the thought. Hell, I had to entertain myself somehow… doing stakeouts was boring. About another forty-five minutes passed before Alexi walked out of the building with who I assumed was his partner. The two seemed to share a sort of intimacy from what I could see that spoke of a deep, meaningful relationship. Okay, I was intrigued.
I wished I had the ability to hear from long distances, but I suppose I should be grateful for the bag of tricks I did have. As it was, I just had to listen as hard as I could because I’d left my damn listening device in the trunk of my car. I had been in such a hurry to get to this scene, I’d forgotten to bring a few tools with me like that and say… some binoculars. See what I meant about my impulse problem?
I heard very little, but from his body language, I could tell Alexi didn’t like what he found in there; and by the look of disgust and determination on his face, he was ready to find the culprit and put them in one hell of a prison. That’d be all fine and dandy if I wasn’t the culprit he was now looking for. He didn’t appear to be a lazy cop, not with how much time he was dedicating to this particular investigation. Because the dead body was high-profile, I’d bet he was going to be getting heat to solve this shit quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Good luck with that, you sexy bastard. Man, there I went again. Maybe Jordan was right. In those moments when I had been in his bedroom, I had developed some sort of feelings for Alexi. I didn’t want to think that I had, but all I wanted to do right now was fuck him and be fucked by him. With all the men I’d been with, I couldn’t think of one, with the exception of Jordan, that I wanted a repeat performance from. Alexi fucking Taylor was now on the same shelf as J, and that wasn’t good for me. He wasn’t good for me. Jesus, would you look at his ass in those jeans!
Ugh, this wasn’t what I should be focusing on, but my eyes kept going to his basket and I didn’t need my imagination to guess how big and beautiful his cock looked. I had experience, and damn if I didn’t want to jump down from this rooftop and suck the jizz from his balls right then. I could feel my own cock growing hard as I let my mind wander to things I wanted to do with Alexi that might get me into trouble. Fuck you for being a cop, Alexi!
He and his partner climbed into their unmarked car and drove off. I guessed they were heading to their precinct to get to work on any leads. Or maybe they were going to get something to eat before returning to the scene. I knew they wouldn’t have any viable witnesses. No one knew what I looked like… so they were going to be in for a rough investigation. I found my way back to my car, snatched off my mask, and pulled out to head home. I needed to know which precinct Alexi worked for. It wouldn’t be hard to find out. I would just put Jordan on it, he loved doing that kind of research shit.
Chapter Two
“Did you gather any information or did you just stare at his ass the whole time?” Jordan asked me after I climbed out of my car.
“A little bit of both, wiseass. But enough to give me an idea of what I’m working with where Alexi is concerned,” I said as I began to remove my costume.
“You know, Mr. Jingles isn’t the only person you’ve killed that’s making the news. You were out earlier and weren’t home long enough for me to tell you that Cecily Danvers’ people are going insane looking for her,” Jordan said.
Ahh yes, I imagined they would be. I left her security team on the side of the expressway and her assistant dead as a doorknob in her home. I wondered if they felt like they had hit a dead end.
“Did they mention her assistant, Nancy?”
Jordan nodded. “Yeah, they found her body about an hour before you came home with the Mexican food. They are still looking for Mayor Danvers.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I put on a pair of sweats and sat down beside him on the sofa.
“I was starved, so it slipped my mind. While you were out getting your rocks off, I was sitting here with a growling stomach and a deteriorating disposition. I nearly died waiting on you to bring home something to eat. You can’t really blame me for my single-minded train of thought.” He shrugged as if that explained it all away.
“Fucking drama queen, you weren’t that bad off. We had crackers,” I pointed out.
“Fuck you,” Jordan laughed, and shook his head. “Anyway, asshole… the news said they know that Nancy didn’t kidnap Cecily as her time of death was hours before the mayor went missing. Thing is, they don’t know who did it or why. I’m guessing once they find your calling card, the case will either be assigned to your boyfriend or the Feds.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I protested.
“Sure… sure.” Jordan gave me a patronizing smile and patted my thigh. “Anyway, I’m tired and going to bed.”
He rose and started making his way towards our bedroom. “Hey,” I called out to him, and he stopped and turned.
“Did you find out anything on that Richard Tate guy? Anything new?”
“I can’t break into his finances yet. The guy has some damn good firewalls. I’ll need some time. But I did manage to hack into his online storage account. Most of it is boring business shit and some photos. You might be able to use the photos, but they aren’t anything incriminating. He’ll be downtown tomorrow morning to talk to a councilman at City Hall about some zoning issue. Apparently, he wants to build fancy condos where the Walton Payne projects currently are.”
I snorted. “And what happens to those people who won’t be able to afford his fancy condos?”
“You know his type… this guy gives no fucks. If he gets the zoning rights he wants, he’ll force those people to settle for the money he’s willing to give them just to get them out of the way. Such is the way of the rich trampling over the poor,” Jordan said.
“They are trying to redevelop that entire area. I saw a little something-something about that in Cecily’s files,” I said, remembering what I’d read the night before while rifling through Nancy’s things.
Jordan nodded. “Oh yeah, some people have already left the area. Because it’s so close to downtown, they want to make those properties desirable for the wealthy who want to live closer to the boom and bustle of the city. Can’t do that with the disenfranchised in the way.”
I smirked. “I’ll be more than happy to put a wrench in their plans by killing this bastard.”
Jordan chuckled. “You say the most uplifting things.”
“I do, don’t I?” I laughed. “All right, go to bed. I’ll join you soon.”
“Okay.” Jordan waved, then made his way to the bedroom.
I stayed up a little longer to look over what information he’d gathered. What I liked about Richard Tate was that he had a trusted bodyguard. Now, all I had to do was imitate his right-hand man and I could get what I needed out of the jerk. Hard part was getting to the bodyguard. From the photos, it looked like the guy never left his side. I wondered if he held Richard’s hand when he took a shit. Or did he hold his dick while he pissed?
I might have to pretend to be Richard in order to separate the two, shit… not sure. I was going to have to watch them carefully to see when I could make my interception. It had to be a flawless transition because the two didn’t stay separated long. I wondered if they were lovers, too. Hell, the bathroom might be the only time I could make the switch… we’d see. I put the files and photos to the side and
decided to join Jordan in dreamland.
I awoke to the succulent aroma of delicious bacon sizzling in a pan. Yeah, I was wide awake now. Nothing could get me out of bed faster than the smell of a good breakfast. Okay, that was a lie. Sex… sex woke me up too. And of course, intruders, gun shots, a fire… but that was it… I swear. I climbed out of bed, used the bathroom, and took a quick shower. Fifteen minutes was all it took for me to emerge from the bedroom, still wet and wearing my boxers.
I walked into the kitchen just as Jordan was spreading butter on the waffles. “Damn, that looks and smells good.”
“It sure does. I’m going to enjoy it. You’ve got cereal and milk,” Jordan said.
I looked at him, then looked around after noticing only one plate with bacon and eggs on it. I looked back at Jordan. “Stop playing.”
“I’m not playing,” Jordan replied as he put his waffle on a separate plate, then sat down to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Problem was, I was supposed to be enjoying that shit with him.
“Oh, you’re playing. Where’s my plate?” I asked, looking around.
“I didn’t make you one. Thought you’d sleep longer,” Jordan said, then he scooped some cheesy eggs into his mouth in the most taunting fashion.
“Give me this bacon!” I snatched a strip from his plate before he could stop me.
“Gimme that bac—” He cut himself short when he watched me shoved the piece of bacon into my mouth. “Jerk.”
“Nan!” I managed to say with a mouthful of bacon. “That’s what you g—” my air intake was cut off as a piece of bacon lodged itself into my throat. I began coughing and gagging as I struggled to clear my airway.
Jordan laughed as he watched me choking on his stolen food. “Serves you right, you bastard. I was just going to say, ‘I hope you choke on it.’”